New User Special!
Enjoy $20 Off on Your Next 5 Crown Cases
Try a DAL Crown
Premium Performance at an Economical Price. Your Dental Arts Laboratories High Translucent + Multilayer Zirconia brings together the perfect blend of strength and translucency, coupled with consistent shade matching for our most versatile and popular zirconia restoration.
For a limited time only, enjoy up to 5 zirconia crowns with $20 off each crown case using promo code: ZIRC2024
Why Partner With DAL For Your Crown Work?
At DAL, Your Experience is Our Priority. As a company that values the voice of our customers, Dental Arts Laboratories has a sharper focus on your overall customer experience. Your CX Customer Experience Team is here to help ensure a quick and seamless workflow of your restorative cases throughout the manufacturing process.
When you are ready to send your first case and each one thereafter, digitally, or traditionally, the CX team can help facilitate each step of the process.
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Try our services to experience confidence and quality. For as few as 20 crowns a month, your ScanUp membership includes an intraoral scanner, white-glove customer service, technical support, and so much more.
Try A DAL Zirconia Crown Today!
Limited Time Offer
- Stipulations: New user special only. Max 5 crowns per dentist. May not be combined with other offers.
- Promo code: ZIRC2024
- Dates: August 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024